Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The "new world order" envisioned by President Trump is a world of strong, sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit. It is a world based on the principles of the American System, a system that has made the United States the most prosperous and powerful nation in history.
The Saturday Wrap-Up - Update on British Provocation of World War III; Trump Debate Victory - September 14, 2024
The results of the British attempt to get Joe Biden to start World War III are inconclusive with no announcements coming from yesterday's meetings. As results from the debate roll in, Donald Trump is the clear winner despite the propaganda conditioning before and after.
The results of the British attempt to get Joe Biden to start World War III are inconclusive with no announcements coming from yesterday's meetings. As results from the debate roll in, Donald Trump is the clear winner despite the propaganda conditioning before and after. We elaborate the state of the Ukraine debacle which the incompetent Kamala Harris helped cause and show that Trump's election and a peace deal is the only salvation for humanity. Otherwise we update the assassination investigation and reflect on the actual intent of 9/11 and Kamala enthusiast, Dick Cheney's role in shredding the Constitution and the honor of this Republic.
Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-Up - Update on British Provocation of World War III; Trump Debate Victory - September 14, 2024
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Good morning. It's Saturday, September 14th. I'm Barbara Boyd, and this is your Saturday Wrap. It has been, perhaps, a defining week in our history. We stand on the edge of world war, with Russia, as loss of Ukraine becomes increasingly obvious, and those who have pushed this war on us, the British oligarchs, become increasingly desperate and insane.
A populist revolt, truly revolutionary and transformative in character, is taking place here and all over Europe. That is what the effort to go full totalitarian in information warfare is all about. That is what electing a dupe to be another dupe for President of the United States, to wit Kamala, is all about.
The debate on Tuesday night proved to be a measure of how much Donald Trump is winning the population, no [00:01:00] matter what they throw at him. And a test, for most people personally, how much they are able to defeat the schooling of their sense perceptions by the propaganda machine. If you thought that Kamala won the debate, you indeed have to do some checking in with what you've been conditioned to think.
Melania Trump released a telling video just before the debate on the attempted assassination, which is obviously being covered up and hopefully relegated in their view, the view of those who did it, to a memory hole not to be revisited. Finally, there was 9 11, the event which still remains largely memory holed and which Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris allows us to revisit with some clarity for the population. That's what we'll be covering here.
Tonight, we'll be doing a class on the SDI, the [00:02:00] Missile Defense System announced by Ronald Reagan, which Donald Trump has pledged to build. He's been pledging that repeatedly this week in the face of a potential nuclear war. It creates the ability to kill incoming nuclear missiles, and much else, as we will see.
Lyndon LaRouche, along with Edward Teller, played a major role in its creation, and it is the central theme in the new movie about Ronald Reagan, which is captivating audiences everywhere. The LaRouche Teller Reagan SDI was sabotaged by the very same Washington toadies for the British financial empire, who sabotaged Donald Trump's entire first term and are now trying to wipe him out.
The SDI changed the world in that it resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, just as LaRouche had predicted, in his back channel negotiations for the National Security Council with the Soviets at that [00:03:00] time. It could have, had it not been sabotaged, created a wholesale scientific and technological revolution, benefiting all of mankind, which was its intent, and it can do the same thing now.
We're also in the midst of a fundraising campaign to get Donald Trump's true agenda out there. There's a definite lack of suitable door to door literature for organizers who want to use such in the campaign. And our short piece of literature saying exactly what Trump's platform actually is, what it's being enthusiastically greeted by those doing direct organizing on the ground in Michigan and in other battlegrounds.
We need to get it printed in the hundreds of thousands. So we would like you to go to the website and contribute towards this campaign. It is very, very important [00:04:00] to use the present momentum and really turn the tide. We'll take care of getting these distributed appropriately in the battlegrounds, starting with Michigan.
So first to the danger of war. Many of you know now that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and other insane British regime stalwarts came to Washington yesterday to attempt to sell our senile president on using long range missiles to strike deep within Russia itself. Putin responded that giving the go ahead for this would mean NATO was at war with Russia and that World War III had now started.
As of this morning, there's no clear outcome from those talks, although you can infer that saner heads may have prevailed. That includes the U. S. military who opposes this. They're opposed in turn with elements of the CIA and, of course, the [00:05:00] British nominated State Department. A prank call in which two Russian comedians convinced the Polish foreign minister that he was talking to Ukraine's Poroshenko demonstrated that the Europeans are totally opposed to this gambit, which could lead a war among other disasters for humanity.
So, we wrote a piece about this, you should be calling your congressman, and you should be saying, under no circumstances can this go forward. In Tuesday's debate, Kamala bragged about her role in starting this war, and accused Donald Trump of being an appeaser for calling for peace. Trump, of course, said he just wanted to stop the killing, with many estimates showing over 1 million Ukrainians have been killed or wounded.
This is a strategic disaster for humanity caused by Kamala and her friends, the neocons who endorse her, like Dick [00:06:00] Cheney. We published a statement again on this, and it's on our website. It gives you the means to call your congressman or senator and say, In no uncertain terms, this is a no go for humanity.
It is clear that there's a huge fight within the establishment about this latest British provocation. More than 70 percent of the electrical grid of Ukraine has been wiped out, so they face a very, very grim winter. The front is collapsing, with Russia taking more and more territory. It is a no win possibility, which the British keep trying to turn into some sort of propaganda victory for them.
Europe, faced with a war with Russia, is uniformly saying, no thank you. The problem here is the dynamics covering a Ukraine loss. If some kind of peace cannot be rapidly put into place, all of the leaders who went along with this will face repudiation from their [00:07:00] populations as the scope of this disaster for Ukraine becomes clear.
They have never been sane throughout this entire process from the 2014 coup in Ukraine forward and the only safe route for the world's population is the election of Donald Trump and a forced peace agreement at the earliest possible juncture. Everyone promoting this war needs to be repudiated at the ballot box in November or confronted and denounced at every opportunity by the population.
Now, the debate. Initially, many people who watched the debate thought that Kamala, with the cheating help of ABC's moderators, had won the debate. That feeling tells you how much your sense perception has been trained and compromised by the propagandists, into unconscious biases. As people reflect upon it and the polling comes in, [00:08:00] the opposite is proving true, with Trump being declared the winner and gaining in the polls.
Trump has a sixth sense about how people think and what they think. The lines which people remember from his closing, to the reference to his attempted assassination based on lying and hyperbolic democratic rhetoric, to his reference to Haitian illegals eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to his reference to the potential of imminent nuclear war if the Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala is elected, landed like little bombs in people's consciousness and are what is being discussed now.
The arranged rabid fact checks by the ABC moderators have all been debunked thoroughly as lies on social media, and the close relationship of ABC News itself to Kamala personally has been exposed. Now, Mark Penn, the pollster [00:09:00] for the Clintons and other Democrats, says he has an affidavit from a whistleblower showing that ABC provided the questions to Kamala beforehand and told her that she would not be fact checked But that they would fact check Trump, allowing her to lie freely, which is what she did.
This is going to really blow up now because even more will come to light. People suspected it and were universally sympathetic to Trump and viewed her performance as fake. That's what the polling shows. Now we've got an affidavit showing it was truly rigged.
Just before the debate, Melania released a rare video in which she demanded answers about the attempted assassination of her husband and implied that this was being memory holed and covered up. The Senate committee responsible for Homeland Security is saying that they will release a report next week or shortly after which [00:10:00] will shock the conscience of the American people regarding the level of Secret Service failures at Butler, Pennsylvania.
Ironically, Senator Richard Blumenthal announced this very prominently. He said the American people will be shocked. This is a Democrat from Connecticut, and even he appears to be outraged. We'll have to see what this portends. We have to join Melania in keeping this issue front and center, along with lawfare, which preceded it and conditioned it. We need to get answers and not allow the cover up which the enemy intends. If that succeeds, you can almost guarantee there'll be further such attempts.
Finally, concerning 9 11. If you want to get to the heart of what happened that day, stick with Lyndon LaRouche's analysis. Faced with a dying economy, the oligarchy needed What [00:11:00] amounted to a Reichstag fire event in which to seek a wholesale subjugation of the American people. LaRouche predicted that back in early 2001. Dick Cheney, the Satanic beast man, who Kamala Harris welcomes to her campaign, played a huge role in selling the people on the necessity of destroying the U. S. constitution, because of that attack, particularly the First and Fourth Amendments. We got a preemptive war in Iraq, voiding the Constitution's requirement that Congress authorize these wars, and voiding the principles of defensive war, which previously governed all our military deployments. Defensive wars only.
The British, the Saudis, played a significant role in the attack itself, and you can come to no other conclusion that this was an inside [00:12:00] job, an attack on the American people with the complicity of members of the American government, including Robert Mueller. Lyndon LaRouche's prosecutor who went on to lead the FBI cover up during 9 11 and the Russiagate Jihad against Donald Trump.
If we win this election, these things will finally all be exposed through Trump's repeated insistence that he will investigate them and expose them, including all of the assassinations of the 1960s. That's why the enemy will stop at nothing to prevent Trump's justified win.
We have to create an overwhelming fraud proof margin in the battlegrounds where we are in the process of creating just that. RFK juniors Endorsement and campaign is helping things immensely. I recommend going to Nicole Shanahan's Twitter account and actually looking at the video [00:13:00] she is producing.
The Trump campaign is on the ground in the battlegrounds through surrogates like Vivek Ramaswamy, like Tucker Carlson, the role which J. D. Vance is playing in debunking the press. They only have fakery, which the population seems to be seeing through. So tune in tonight for the class. We're winning, but we've got to really dig in and win by huge margins. I'll see you again on Monday.
Chief paralegal in the British/DOJ prosecution of LaRouche. Working to expose the treason against LaRouche and Trump. Lover of history, politics, literature, and Corgis. Married to a wise geometer.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
Trump has begun radical surgery on two cancers which almost killed us, the forever war and regime change apparatus and the free trade regime which has wrecked our economy, drugged our population, and allowed an open border invasion and slave trade.
Trump started firing everyone involved in his potential jailing and assassination this week. He killed the foreign funding for regime change wars. He imposed tariffs to shutdown the Fentanyl killing machine on the three countries most involved, Canada, Mexico, and China.
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