Ground Game: Support for Trump Grows in Surprising Places

Ground Game: Support for Trump Grows in Surprising Places
Promethean Action table at the Trump Train in Northern California

Posts in today's report:

  • Strong Support for Trump in California
  • Promethean Action Organizers in Detroit's 'Hood for Juneteenth
  • Trump in Detroit Inspires Republicans in Houston
  • Kokinda Campaign Outreach to Arab/Muslim Community Excites Local Republicans
  • Promethean Action on Social Media
Mindy Pechenuk, Oakland City Council at Large candidate at Trump Train

Strong Support for Trump in California

On June 22, Northern California held an exciting Tri Valley Trump Train Rally. Groups from all over California came together, decorated their cars and trucks with Trump and American flags, and drove from Pleasanton to Livermore. Promethean PAC organizers attended, and set up a literature table with signs supporting Trump. People were so excited that they started to come up to our table even before we had all the literature out. We met many friends – new and old – who were excited to see us. Our pamphlet, A Police Dossier: It is the British who Murder our Presidents got the most attention. Most people were against the Federal Reserve and the globalists, but we showed them that it's the British Empire that is behind it, and that we need to return to national banking and sovereignty. Mindy Pechenuk attended and spoke as a candidate for Oakland City Council at Large, and as a representative of California MAGA. We strengthened our alliance across the state for President Trump!

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