
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for They will be Called the Children of God”

“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for They will be Called the Children of God”

While NATO meets in Washington and careens toward war, Hungary's president is organizing for an end to the Ukraine war and a comprehensive peace. A Lyndon LaRouche style, "Four-Powers Agreement" will ensure success.
3 min read
Julian Assange is Free, Big Brother is Exposed, the Battle Now is Joined

Julian Assange is Free, Big Brother is Exposed, the Battle Now is Joined

Julian Assange escaped London alive while the U.S. Supreme Court dodged dismantling the ugly Leviathan at the center of his case.
7 min read
The Day After the US-China War

The Day After the US-China War

I respect Senator JD Vance—who will turn 40 in August—as one of the foremost patriots and the brightest
10 min read
A G7 Gathering of Ghouls and Putin’s Dire Warning of World War III

A G7 Gathering of Ghouls and Putin’s Dire Warning of World War III

You would think with this array of incompetent failures, despised by their populations, there would be some humility in making pronouncements about how the world should be. Nope. The arrogance of power and the now palpable desperation to maintain it were the biggest takeaways from this event...
8 min read
Sovereignty and Economy in Russia; A Real Lesson for the U.S.

Sovereignty and Economy in Russia; A Real Lesson for the U.S.

“We can see that a real race is beginning between countries to promote their sovereignty at three key levels: the state, cultural values, and the economy.”
5 min read
The Fight for American Sovereignty through the Eyes of President Putin

The Fight for American Sovereignty through the Eyes of President Putin

Despite the smell of anti-America sentiments in the international left, the United States remains the paramount and longest-lasting Republic on
4 min read
Tell-All King Charles III Portrait Revealed – It’s Satanic

Tell-All King Charles III Portrait Revealed – It’s Satanic

“You’ve got him,” the consort Queen, Camilla, proclaimed to the artist, Jonathan Yeo, when she and King Charles III
2 min read
Nomination of New Russian Defense Minister Recalls Lyndon LaRouche’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Nomination of New Russian Defense Minister Recalls Lyndon LaRouche’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

From time to time, unexpected echoes are heard behind the familiar commonplaces of the “news.” Unexpected patterns emerge—like the
4 min read
“Thinking Big” will Make Mexico Self-Sufficient

“Thinking Big” will Make Mexico Self-Sufficient

Mexico’s State of Sonora is promoting a plan to revive the great PLHINO water project, seawater desalination and nuclear energy, which guarantees abundant water and electricity.
7 min read
The Long Hand of the British Empire in Southwest Asia

The Long Hand of the British Empire in Southwest Asia

Watch on Rumble Republican media is blaring about the necessity to choose sides in the Empire's current Mideast
1 min read