Sovereignty, Patriotism and Culture
Is a "multi-cultural" society, governed by "toleration" and "consensus," a society in which no
It was truly an historic moment in American politics. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. referenced on Friday, his endorsement of President Trump is akin to Lincoln’s team of rivals, but even more so, it is a commitment to the American people worthy of Washington and Lincoln.
As RFK Jr.’s campaign transitioned from the Democratic primary into an independent run, this author criticized that decision and questioned the motivation, raising concerns that his campaign may now spoil the election in favor of the Democrats. But, since he launched his race in Boston, it was clear that Mr. Kennedy held a true and genuine devotion to the American people, to ending the war in Ukraine, and addressing the extreme corruption within the U.S. government.
Today, every patriot can only commend him for his sense of personal character, and especially his devotion to the immortal cause of this nation, that immortal cause for which his father and uncle gave the last full measure of devotion.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., read these lines from Aeschylus, “And even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
In this long fought war for the survival of our nation, I have often returned to these words.
It is now time for our nation to win! And it is time to renew our nation’s character for generations to come.
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