Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The "new world order" envisioned by President Trump is a world of strong, sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit. It is a world based on the principles of the American System, a system that has made the United States the most prosperous and powerful nation in history.
After Thursday’s butchery of law and justice, President Trump’s donations site broke down under a record flood of contributions—many from people who had never before contributed to a political campaign. Those citizens know they need to better understand the principles for which President Trump, and they, themselves, have pledged “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.”
To this end, Will Wertz, a long-time close associate of Lyndon LaRouche, will give two classes on the contributions of Nicolaus of Cusa (1401-1464) to both political science and physical science. Wertz was jailed along with Lyndon LaRouche in 1989, in a judicial railroad which presaged those against Donald Trump.
During his imprisonment he translated many of the works of Nicolaus of Cusa, who was the organizer of the Council of Florence, which gave rise to the Italian Renaissance.
Nicolaus of Cusa was a universal genius whose ideas are relevant to our solving the crisis which today threatens the very survival of our Republic.
The second class, on June 15, will cover Cusa’s contributions to physical science. Tony Papert will moderate the discussions.
Founding member of the LaRouche movement in the 1960s. Former editor of LaRouche’s writings and EIR magazine. Regular host of our Saturday class series.