In a significant move, Trump has fulfilled a campaign promise by issuing full pardons to approximately 1,500 January 6th defendants. While this decision was met with outraged reactions from some, it also marks a crucial step towards justice and accountability in the aftermath of that fateful day.
Donald Trump takes a bold swing at Washington's 'Beltway Bandits', dismantling key pieces of the security state with executive orders and appointments. Foreign aid suspended, a censorship hub shut down, and security clearances revoked from alleged election conspirators.
Just returned from the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, Susan Kokinda looks at the attempted assassination of Donald Trump from the vantage point of the imperial elite. In a Trump/Vance ticket grounded in the new Republican Platform, they see the reemergence of the American republican system and the potential end of their rule over the world.
Transcript: The Midweek Update - The Midweek Update - It’s not how or who, but WHY!? - July 24, 2024
Susan Kokinda: [00:00:00] Hello, everybody. This is July 24th, and this is Susan Kokinda with your Midweek Update. There is obviously an extremely fast moving situation on the Democratic Party side of things, including the virtual coup that was carried out against Joe Biden and the scramble to come up with a viable strategy to maintain control over the American presidency.
The British news service Reuters spells out the oligarchy's intention with this reshuffle, announcing in a poll which purports to claim that Harris now leads Trump by a margin of 44 to 42 percent. We will be following and reporting on this in real time at Promethean Action. But today, I'm going to look at the deeper implications of the just concluded convention and the attempted assassination.
Yesterday, in a very urgent post [00:01:00] on the increasingly obvious effort, to cover up the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, Barbara Boyd highlights a scene from Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, where the recently deceased actor, Donald Sutherland, playing the CIA agent known as Mr. X, meets secretly with the New Orleans district attorney, Jim Garrison, and gives him the big picture.
If you go to Barbara's post, you can find a link to the four minute clip also in that post. is a button by which you can contact your congressman and urge them to impanel a serious investigation, not the cover up which is currently being cooked up in the House of Representatives. But Barbara in that post drills down on the point [00:02:00] made by Mr. X in the movie, which is, you will not get to the truth, nor will you stop the people who carry out assassinations and attempted assassinations, unless you get to the why, not just the who and the how.
I just returned from the Republican convention in Milwaukee, and I can tell you that most attendees, whether they were delegates or leading political figures, are only skating on the surface of the why. Obviously, Donald Trump is a threat to the establishment. You'd have to have the mental capacity of a Joe Biden not to see that. But what is the actual nature of the threat? And what is the deeper and more precise nature of the establishment? Frankly, even calling it Deep State or the World Economic Forum doesn't cut it.
Between the adoption of the [00:03:00] Donald Trump written platform and the choice of J. D. Vance for Vice President, The enemy sees a complete, total, existential threat to its entire post World War II system, and to its very existence. They see something on the scale of what they saw with the emergence of the American Republic, and on the scale of what they saw with Abraham Lincoln's, recreation of the economic and philosophical principles of the American Revolution.
When you look at it from that historical standpoint, it is pretty clear that the enemy is not just some deep state, or communists, or socialist left winging Democrats. The enemy is empire, a British system spawned empire, which today takes the form of, as Donald Trump [00:04:00] has on occasion called it. A global financier elite.
How has that empire, that elite, ruled for past centuries? The genius whose ideas continue to nourish us here at Promethean Action, namely Lyndon LaRouche, put it this way. They rule through war and money. Now, let's take a look at both the platform and at JD Vance from the standpoint of war and money.
Let's start with war. The Platform and JD and of course, Donald Trump trashed the policy of perpetual warfare. Vance's Pick had the neocons in a frenzy, and they were a major part of what was described as a knife fight, attempting to stop Trump from choosing him. We reported earlier on the report circulating that Mike Pompeo, who never met a war that he didn't like, [00:05:00] was telling the Iowa delegation that he would be the VP nominee.
When he gave his convention speech, I frankly expected to see him morph into Dick Cheney and start bombing some random country. To show just how intense this battle over Trump's foreign policy was, even at the granular level, there was a point when those of us on the convention floor We're asked to hand back in the signs that said, Donald Trump will end the Ukraine war.
We were told that they weren't authorized. Of course, like every other pre made sign handed out to us. It was stamped authorized by the RNC at the bottom. A few minutes later, those signs were handed back. Now, to get a more thorough understanding of an actual American foreign policy, One which [00:06:00] is reflected in Trump's outlook and in the outlook of the platform.
I encourage people to watch Will Wertz's class posted on our website entitled, How a Four Power Agreement Will Prevent World War III. I want to briefly mention one other aspect of war which the oligarchy deploys, which is the drug war against our people. This has been a tool of empire for a long time. It was writ large with Britain's opium war against China.
The evil represented by the flood of fentanyl brought into the United States by the cartels under the open border policy has resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands. As one speaker mentioned, more Americans have been killed by fentanyl than all terrorist attacks combined. Now, as opposed to the callousness or indifference of too many politicians, J. D. Vance personally embodies a commitment to stop this [00:07:00] carnage, and he made that clear in his convention speech and subsequent campaign appearances.
But it's on the question of money and more substantially the economy that I want to focus, because this gets to a much deeper level of why. We're in a mortal battle between the imperial system of economics and statecraft, which treats human beings as no more than animals.
And what finally emerged after 1789 as the American system, which recognizes that man's unique God given gift of creativity and reason is what must undergird all of our institutions, especially our economic policy. On the imperial side, the oligarchy does use money, especially since the advent of central banking, which originated in Venice and then became the Anglo Dutch system before infecting the United States with the Federal Reserve in 1913.[00:08:00]
The system of measuring economic growth from the standpoint of money allows those who control the money to control a nation. So called economic debates, which revolve only around money, which has really been the content of economic debate for decades and decades, means that the financier elite control all sides of the debate.
Nonsensical discussions about big government, little government, balancing the budget, etc, have been the substance of our so called debate. But if you read the new Republican party platform, it finally returns to an American discussion of economics, namely, how do we build things? How do we grow our way out of the crisis? How do we produce real tangible goods?
Donald Trump says take money away from perpetual wars and use it to build, build infrastructure. And of course, Trump and Vance are economic nationalists, [00:09:00] not monetarist free traders. One of my colleagues read the 20 promises, which are in the new Republican party platform, to a supporter who at each one exclaimed, Oh my God. And at the end said, You've just made me the happiest I've been in my whole life.
That begins to touch on what we can unleash. The oligarchy understands that, and they know that something even deeper is lurking, much more dangerous. The essence of human economics is making leaps into the future with new discoveries, new technologies, with entirely new economic platforms that transform every aspect of life on our planet.
And people who participate in those breakthroughs, and live in such times of economic revolution, experience what it is that sets us [00:10:00] above the beasts. Lincoln unleashed such policies, which were celebrated at the 1876 Centennial Exposition, something which Donald Trump wants to replicate on the 250th anniversary of the founding of our nation in 2026.
John Kennedy unleashed such a transformation with the Apollo mission. Elon Musk, who endorsed Donald Trump after the failed assassination attempt, represents precisely that quality. In his speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump expressed awe at what Musk is doing with SpaceX, with his reusable rockets, which land vertically.
SpaceX, especially, provides the capability which can fulfill the GOP's platform's promise, to take us to the moon, Mars, and beyond. And I might note that Trump referenced Musk in his Saturday [00:11:00] speech, which happened to have been the anniversary of man's first landing on the moon.
Also in his acceptance speech at the convention, Trump also hinted at the promise of fusion energy, describing the enormous quantities of energy that are going to be needed for AI, and pointing to the breakthroughs being made in other countries like China and Japan. These are the kind of Promethean leaps which our true enemies, the imperial elites, are terrified of. More than anything, this is the why behind the attempted assassination.
Think of the other points in our history where we made such leaps, under Lincoln and under Kennedy and think of what happened to them. What a Trump Vance administration portends, if it is sufficiently understood and supported by immobilized [00:12:00] citizenry, is a passage through an economic and historical singularity.
The world will be very different on the other side of that singularity. We're going to have to recreate many of our institutions. What will national banking look like in the 21st century? What is an educational system and a culture fit for a space faring civilization? Think of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton after winning the American Revolution.
That was a point of transformation for the human race. But, then they discovered that the Articles of Confederation didn't work, and they had to create something newer and better. The American Constitutional Republic. The same principles guided them throughout, but they had to discover new institutions in order to actualize those principles.
That is the task facing all of us today. [00:13:00] We have to get through the singularity, which is the election of Donald Trump and J. D. Vance. on the basis of the new platform. But we had also better get ready for the challenges we will find on the other side of the singularity, which, if we are successful, can end the rule of the oligarchs permanently.
That is the why which you have to understand. This has been your Midweek Update. Thanks for listening.
Author, Michigan-based organizer, passionate student of Plato’s dialogues. Committed to reviving the industrial economy and producer culture of the Midwest and to educating grass-roots activists.
In this Midweek Update, Susan Kokinda examines the significance of President Trump's initial days back in office, focusing on key executive orders on energy and foreign policy.
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