Uncover McKinley's forgotten legacy: champion of tariffs, labor, and American ideals. He challenged British dominance, defended civil rights, and upheld Revolutionary principles.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The Monday Brief - Trump's Madison Square Garden, the Torch Is Passed - October 28, 2024
Trump's rally for a new and wonderful future last night in Madison Square Garden will go down in history as a profound American turning point. A new generation of antiwar, anti oligarchy, former Democrats is joining to transform our country back into the beacon of hope and temple of liberty.
Donald Trump's rally for a new and wonderful future last night in Madison Square Garden will go down in history as a profound American turning point, if we secure the landslide now lining up behind his presidential bid. Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK JR, Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance, a brilliant new generation of antiwar, anti oligarchy former Democrats is joining Trump to transform our country back into the beacon of hope and temple of liberty for the world. The fascist regime behind Biden and Harris screams that Trump is the new Hitler in perhaps the greatest act of projection in history as it rages in its final phases. We cover this and the continuing forever wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
We're working tirelessly to educate and mobilize supporters. Some recent efforts include publishing our latest American System 2.0 Pamphlet, organizing grassroots outreach campaigns, and providing strategic support to key influencers and leaders within the Trump movement. But we can't do it without your help.
Your donation will enable us to accelerate our efforts, expand our reach, and bring greater resources to bear in the final weeks of the campaign. Will you join us in this fight for America's future? Please donate today to support Promethean Action's critical work.
Transcript: The Monday Brief - Trump's Madison Square Garden, the Torch Is Passed - October 28, 2024
Correction: The Bund Rally was in 1939, not 1929.
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi folks, this is Barbara Boyd and this is your Monday Brief for October 28th, 2024, really coming down to the wire in terms of the election and a great and extraordinary change to the foot in the land in these final days of the presidential race. From everything we are hearing and seeing on the ground, it appears the Trump campaign is on the verge of a victory, a historic realignment, for the good and all the good that is potentially the United States.
The questions for this week boiled down now to these two. First, how much can all of us do to turn out an overwhelming vote for Donald Trump and the completely transformed Republican Party? And two, What will be the now desperate establishment's response?
Trump leads, but the story being sold to facilitate [00:01:00] vote fraud is that the race is close. To emphasize this point, the New York Times spent thousands of words this morning attacking Republican election lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, and the Election Integrity Network for their work against the fraud machine. You know you are over the target when the New York Times spends this much coverage of you, when this type of freakout occurs.
Last week, we featured the fact that the British are completely out in the open again, trying to rig the American election. It is they that are the foreign power, not Russia or anybody else, who are seeking to subvert things here in our country, and keep us totally under their thumb by trying to destroy Elon Musk and X as their first target. We have coverage of this up already on the website.
Because Elon Musk freed [00:02:00] X from the censors, vote fraud is now being watched by an alert public with a platform by which to investigate any incident. And that, together with the divorce of black men and Hispanics from the Democratic Party and its cult of man hating women, makes it hard for their models of fraud to operate.
But still This victory has to be stunning and overwhelming, a landslide if possible. The line now out from the regime is that Trump is the new Hitler, something they've repeated over and over again for ten years in the hopes that it will finally stick somehow. And they say that his rally last night at Madison Square Garden in New York City was a Nazi rally, like the one held by the German Bund supporting Hitler in 1929. [Should be 1939. -ed]
This is so far from the truth as to be [00:03:00] truly laughable. Thousands of Jews attended this rally last night, and Israeli flags flew prominently. This filthy line is designed to keep two options in play. Assassinating Trump as a final act of retribution. Or, in the event of a Trump victory, setting loose street riots and unrest and potentially throwing the election into the House of Representatives.
That makes winning the House and Senate now also a strategic priority. Which we will be emphasizing in our coverage this week because that is where the enemy has signaled they will try to thwart a Trump victory based on specious lies about January 6, 2021 and an insurrection and a specious legal theory based on the 14th Amendment. Not only that, but to make the kind of changes Trump is [00:04:00] now featuring, he's got to have a House and Senate, which goes along.
Now, the rally at Madison Square Garden last night was in reality, absolutely phenomenal. It was a homecoming for Trump. The city he helped build, where mandarins turned on him and tried to jail and conspired to get him murdered because of his support and backing of the working and middle classes, and the economic and foreign policies of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley.
The policies of a sovereign America, not one serving the modern British financial empire. That's the role which Biden and Harris have fulfilled like modern lackeys. The garden was filled to capacity with almost 20, 000 people inside and an additional 75, 000 people watching from outside, according to New York City's police department.[00:05:00]
You'll hear all sorts of nonsense and desperate lies about this. MSNBC went so far as to produce an edited video which interspersed pictures of Hitler supporting rallies into its coverage of the actual Trump rally. The lineup of speakers yesterday included Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., Vivek Ramaswamy, Dr. Phil, J. D. Vance, all of them former Democrats, all of them now firmly behind Trump and a new dawn for the United States.
Trump said that this makes the Republican Party the party of inclusion, a principled inclusion based on ending the immoral forever wars, stopping the censorship, stopping cancel culture, stopping the lies, rebuilding the manufacturing and industrial economy, and our scientific expertise wherein we build our own future.[00:06:00]
He again promised that he would defend the country by building an impenetrable shield against incoming missiles based on the most advanced scientific concepts. Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson calls the former Democrats the X Men, the Marvel comic superheroes, the misfit mutant geniuses come to save the republic.
They are Trump's warriors against the monsters of the deep state and the blob of censorship, surveillance, and war, as Miranda Devine writes in the New York Post this morning. RFK's war on disease, the corporate capture of medicine and public health, completes this potential leap into a happy and prosperous future.
Tulsi Gabbard perhaps captured the spirit of the rally by reading with the audience the most famous lines of the Declaration of Independence. The audience, additionally, [00:07:00] shouted out, That they loved her and she loved them back. That was the character of this thing. Love, not hate. Hope and optimism, not despair.
While the entire corporate media have ganged up to lie and portray the whole thing as, quote, very dark and racist and all the other garbage they put out, it was overwhelmingly and amazingly joyful and fun. The only darkness is their looming demise as the rulers of America's future. Melania Trump joined her husband on stage to express this, inviting New York City to become a great city once again and recapture its magic, the place where great culture and great builders intersect.
While she showed her obvious love and support of her husband, debunking in one appearance, all of the crap which [00:08:00] has been circulated about their marriage. Tucker Carlson noted that Trump having the courage to stand and fight the assault against him, which has been ongoing since 2015, has given others the freedom not to lie anymore.
About the misery doled out by this regime, not to lie anymore about what they think or who they are, and to speak freely about what they think, not to lie anymore about the immorality of the wars and go along with them, not to lie anymore about the destruction of the American spirit and psyche, which those attacking Donald Trump espoused.
The result is an ongoing national transformation where the majority of the public recognize that the empire indeed has no clothes and that they can come together and rebuild this great nation once again. It [00:09:00] seems that all that Kamala has now is her Hollywood backers and entertainment figures still under the thumb of cancel culture and willing to serve as a kind of carnival barking contingent, to draw crowds to her events.
The Obamas have dutifully come out, from their estates to scold their former supporters for rejecting their golden girl and going with Trump, although their speechifying has had a dull and limited impact. Bullying and cussing out the people you used to control doesn't really add up to a very viable vote getting strategy.
On the international scene, the wars hatched by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the foreign policy blob continue. The success of wars to those launched by Dick Cheney and supported by John Bolton and other neocons who have endorsed Kamala Harris. Following Israel's strike on [00:10:00] Iran, Washington and London hope to get a ceasefire and hostage talks underway again, preventing the outbreak of an even wider regional war before the election.
It's unclear whether this is even possible at this point, given the constant killing of women and children by the Israelis, which fuels retributory Arab rage. Ukrainians continue to suffer huge losses in the killing field. The story today is about the lack of body bags. This is what you get when you vote for Kamala Harris and her supporters.
Instructed by the Brits, we have, and they have, constructed in Ukraine a killing field. Which was supposed to bleed Russia to death, and instead is only bleeding all morality and all alleged superiority under the regime of destroying the culture [00:11:00] of the entire West.
On Wednesday, Susan Kokinda will give you a more fine tuned reading on the race from the battleground state of Michigan, where a huge shift just took place with endorsements of Trump by the Muslim American community. She'll also, of course, give you a fresh midweek briefing. On Saturday, Bob Ingram will be presenting the second of our educational series on the American System in Domestic and Foreign Affairs with a discussion of the historical roots and implementation of Trump's tariff policies.
That will be followed the following Saturday by a class by Will Wertz on the four power nations and their potential to create a stable credit system for international development and to eliminate the British Empire once and for all. The British Empire ending is indeed our summary marching order for the week.
I'm joyful about it, because it really does look [00:12:00] like it's about to happen. Vote ten times. That is, vote yourself, and get ten others to vote with you. If we create an overwhelming mandate, we destroy many of the operations they have planned, which all depends on there being only a thin margin for a Trump victory.
We'll also ask you to give us as much money as you can by going to the website, signing up, and joining our community because obviously in these last weeks we need to create the literature and ammunition by which we actually create this triumph. Thanks very much for listening. I'll see you again on Saturday.
Chief paralegal in the British/DOJ prosecution of LaRouche. Working to expose the treason against LaRouche and Trump. Lover of history, politics, literature, and Corgis. Married to a wise geometer.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
Trump has begun radical surgery on two cancers which almost killed us, the forever war and regime change apparatus and the free trade regime which has wrecked our economy, drugged our population, and allowed an open border invasion and slave trade.
Trump started firing everyone involved in his potential jailing and assassination this week. He killed the foreign funding for regime change wars. He imposed tariffs to shutdown the Fentanyl killing machine on the three countries most involved, Canada, Mexico, and China.
The Battle for America's Future - Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard Goes Up Against a 'Nest of Liars' in Historic Senate Confirmation Hearings. Will Trump's Pledges to Drain the Swamp Be Realized?