Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The "new world order" envisioned by President Trump is a world of strong, sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit. It is a world based on the principles of the American System, a system that has made the United States the most prosperous and powerful nation in history.
The last month has been a whirlwind. We have ended up with Barack Obama’s chosen spawn to continue to lead his American version of East Germany and a determined Donald Trump and his successor JD Vance aiming to upend all of that and save this country. Today’s media are one collective scream against Vance because they thought they could take care of the antiwar, pro future for all of us set, by killing Trump. Not only did they fail to kill him, they cannot erase his singular demonstration of courage and God’s intervention on his behalf no matter how much the FBI tries. People saw what they saw and are sticking by it. So, our would be masters are revealing themselves in unparalleled ways to keep their power, publicly erasing Kamala Harris’ entire career in an attempt to make her palatable. They are unmasked. The question is, will this population, newly awake, manifest the needed changes in themselves to secure the required victory?
Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-up - The America First Candidate VS Obama's Pawn - July 27, 2024
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi everyone. It's Saturday. This is your Saturday Wrap. I'm Barbara Boyd, and it's been another momentous week. It's literally a month since the June 27th debate in which Joe Biden was publicly revealed to be senile. His mask was pulled off. To the astonishment of those who believe the fairy tales our media tells us.
Since then, we have seen the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a truly transformative Republican party convention, Joe Biden's exit from the presidential race, and now the mobilization of what we'll call the whole of society to reinvent Kamala Harris and make her palatable. As the public face of the financier oligarchy to create a new mask, like the masked actors of the Venetian oligarchy of [00:01:00] long, long ago.
A similar whole of society mobilization is underway. To destroy, literally, Trump's vice presidential pick, J. D. Vance, and to normalize the idea of Trump being assassinated, and to attempt to erase from the public memory that iconic moment when Trump rose from the ground and shook his fist and said, fight, fight, fight, to the working and middle classes of America, of all races, color, and creeds who support him.
That public demonstration of courage and that willingness to sacrifice himself for those who love him and for the country changed the path of the presidential election dramatically and put Trump on the path to victory. That's what they're now trying to totally erase. The mobilization is being led by that section of the elite I call [00:02:00] the War Racket.
Smedley Butler gave them that name back when he named them publicly in the various assassination attempts against Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The war racket and the financial elites, Wall Street and London's financial parasites, and the oligarchs of Europe. They hate Vance's anti war stance and his ability to articulate and create a revival of the American system of economy, a revival of the true American nation state, not this ghastly thing we've lived with in the last decades.
You know, the place where we invent and make physical products and goods. We produce everything that we need instead of being an economic zone, poorly administered at that, in a globalist world system. Those are the people opposing Vance and now seeking to defeat Trump at all costs. [00:03:00] Silicon Valley is split along with other parts of the elite who suddenly have recognized through Trump's bold courage, the destructiveness of the path they are on.
Those, like Elon Musk, who is forging the economy of the future, an adventurous economy featuring colonization of Mars, fusion power, and the conquering through production of the poverty which bestializes men and women, are on the Trump Vance Campaign for the Future. The other part of Silicon Valley, that part which is very much the financiers and bagmen for the oligarchs of Europe and the other world elites, the Reid Hoffmans and Ron Conways, Those are the ones who are in the war against Trump and have been so since 2015.
They're the ones who sponsored Kamala Harris [00:04:00] rise initially, Obama's rise initially, and now they're the public face of the remake of Kamala Harris. Again, the remake of yet another mask.
What do I mean by a whole of society mobilization? Well, Jacob Siegel has a very thick summary of this in the Tablet Magazine of July 25th. It is the totalitarian society launched fully under Barack Obama. Here's how it works. Government enacts policies and then enlists corporations, NGOs, and individual citizens to enforce them, creating a 360 degree police force made up of the companies you do business with. The civic organizations that you think make up your communal safety net, even your neighbors.
A small group of powerful people use public private partnerships to silence the Constitution, censor ideas they don't [00:05:00] like, deny their opponents access to banking, credit, the internet, and other public accommodations, in a policy of continuous surveillance, constant, constantly threatened cancellation and social control.
It is East Germany, Obama style, only now aided by software, social media, and artificial intelligence. Biden's exit was engineered by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, because he was losing to Trump, who was engineering a completely different, Truly, American society, once again, one where an individual's merit, his or her dedication at doing good and creating a future for ourselves and our posterity, rather than his or her usefulness to the oligarchy, determines both the individual's and the society's advancement.
That society requires an absolute commitment to freedom, fostering individual creativity [00:06:00] throughout the society and the free exchange of ideas. I will get to, in a few minutes, what that means in terms of Trump's dedication of the Republican Party platform, which he wrote, to the forgotten men and women of this country.
He echoed a speech by Franklin Roosevelt, which Roosevelt gave back on April 7th, 1932, to the forgotten men and women of America at that point in time. To get a sense of the bestiality and satanic nature of Kamala, what she is now the public face for, just look at the Paris Olympics in France, the opening ceremony, lauded by our national media, and Mitt Romney as a feast of creativity, featured a drag queen parody of The Last Supper among other Dadaist and Expressionist art, declaring society's absolute bestiality and decay. [00:07:00] Beauty, in the classic sense was nowhere to be found. It occurred in a green zone where the athletes are surrounded by fences and an army of more than 50, 000 police in a country where most of the work is done now by immigrants who live in ghettos.
And where the lower classes are in a constant state of seething but yet impotent revolt. When that got expressed in a populist uprising in the first round of the last French election, the candidates were simply switched out. A game was played with seats in the parliament, and the elites survived by a gigantic fix, to rule yet another day. The man organizing this Olympic festivity, in which the elites of the world have come to confer and party amidst maximum athletic feats, like the old Roman imperial circuses, is [00:08:00] Bernard Arnault, the world's third richest person and the founder and chief funder of a company called LVMH.
The now monopoly producer of the world's luxury goods, like Louis Vuitton fashion accessories, Christian Dior fashion, luxury jewelry, etc. His market are the elites throughout the world, including China, the BRICS countries, everywhere else, who come to shop with him in Paris. That is what's left of what was, once was, a great industrial country.
To get a sense of what Kamala is, just look at California. As Attorney General, she personally authored two ballot initiatives, one decriminalizing virtually everything down to misdemeanors, including robberies, and a second, releasing thousands of felons from prison as she switched from an unthinking, [00:09:00] tough on crime posture, to an unthinking, turn em loose posture, as the donors who sponsored her career switched their social preferences.
The result is California's current crisis of rampant crime and homelessness. She is as much the face of that as Gavin Newsom. Of course, she also supports decriminalization of dope, so California's homeless consist of those released from prison, with no training or skills or plan for their reintegration into society and the addicted.
She is, of course, a green fanatic and a perfect successor to the totalitarian social fabric constructed by her mentor and his mentors, Barack Obama. When they first promoted her back in 2016, she wasn't ready. She had none of the skills required, and she flunked. She still doesn't have those skills, and you can see [00:10:00] it.
Look at the phone call endorsing her, that awkward thing from Barack and Michelle Obama. As the New York Times said, it was like parents talking to their kid going away to summer camp and praising them in order to get them ready for such difficult tests of their skills and fortitude.
Now, by contrast, the Republican Party platform leans with the dedication to the forgotten men and women. That is the name of a speech which Franklin Roosevelt made back in the pits of the deep depression in 1932. In it, and other speeches at that time, he castigated the insular elites, from which he came who had forgotten that the economy runs successful when the least of us are employed with rising wages and a happy prospect for the future.
Rather, he said the elites failed to analyze the economy [00:11:00] in terms of the fate of its producers, those who make it run, but instead only analyzed it from their own insular, corrupt, and decayed perspective. He advocated. Both reciprocal tariffs, the salvation of family farms and agriculture, and industrial mobilization based on a model of the nation state becoming self sufficient, and an end to monopoly power.
Reid Hoffman, one of the many billionaire bagmans for the oligarchy and a staunch supporter, as I said before, of Kamala's entire career from the beginning, said recently that his support of the new Kamala was dependent on her firing Lina Khan at the FTC, who is conducting the first enforcement of anti trust and anti monopolizing, monopoly laws in this country since the Great Depression, to the chagrin of both the Republican [00:12:00] and Democratic elite, and ending, he said, all tariff policies, the key economic planks, obviously, for globalist survival amidst the economic turmoil we now face.
The Republican Party platform echoes this, and J. D. Vance is totally on board with it. He can articulate it, and not only that, he represents a new generation, dedicated American firsters. A new generation of the people who are overthrowing the decadence we have lived in, the dark age we have lived in, for the last decades of our lives.
So you see people in both establishments attacking him relentlessly. If you read today's media, It's one collective scream about J. D. Vance. One collective scream about a new and different vision of the future. One which can be [00:13:00] successful for us once again. The problem they have is that they're overplaying their hand, and it's up to us to make sure that this becomes totally conscious in the population.
The more the MAGA movement develops the skills and leadership like the Vance's, like others who are now emerging, like Vivek in a second generation, the more there's a second generation of true America firsters like Trump. The more difficult it becomes to defeat this movement, and to actually assassinate Trump.
If we don't win this election and implement this policy, if we don't win this fight in the next really a hundred days, you're going to end up just like France, just like Paris, a globalist hellhole. Like Kamala and Obama did to California and would [00:14:00] like to do to the United States, like Canada now. But there is a desperation, as I said, in what they're doing, they are overplaying their hand.
You can't erase the assassination, no matter how much the FBI tries to do it. People saw it. They saw what they saw. You can't erase the hand of God, which appeared. The FBI may now only belatedly say, Yeah, Trump was hit by a bullet. Astounding, isn't it? That that's the end result of their investigation? Debunking a myth they themselves supported that Trump somehow staged this?
They're overplaying their hand. You can't erase Kamala's past. You can't erase what we all lived through with Obama. The bailout of Wall Street. The putting forward of this entire whole of society, new dark age [00:15:00] nightmare. And we here at PrometheanPAC intend fully to make them eat it, literally, to make them eat it.
We're going to show who they are. The fascist beast men have now been fully revealed. They're no longer working to manipulate their puppets in dark corners. Joe Biden worked for them because he could cede the Scranton Joe working class persona. Kamala and those who support her have none of that.
They are the second generation of Obama. They are left, if you will, Jacobin, if you will, freaks as bad as they can be. There's no way of disguising the evil that they represent, just like there's no way disguising putting on a drag show, simile, parody, of The Last Supper as the [00:16:00] opening to the World's Olympics.
Tonight, Susan Kokinda and I are going to get together. We know you feel like you've been on a whirlwind over the last few days and months. We know it has been a whirlwind, and we need to get situated to win. So tonight, we're going to be doing a show which will be structured as an open discussion with you, trying to answer as best we can the questions you may have, and trying to situate you for the victory we must have.
Please join us and join in, and we'll see you tonight and also again on Monday. Thanks for listening. This has been your Saturday Wrap.
Chief paralegal in the British/DOJ prosecution of LaRouche. Working to expose the treason against LaRouche and Trump. Lover of history, politics, literature, and Corgis. Married to a wise geometer.
Trump started firing everyone involved in his potential jailing and assassination this week. He killed the foreign funding for regime change wars. He imposed tariffs to shutdown the Fentanyl killing machine on the three countries most involved, Canada, Mexico, and China.
In his first 100 hours, Donald Trump proclaimed the stupidity of the world's elite at Davos, attacking their satanic malthusian religion and calling them students of average intellect at best.
This was a week of Trump triumphs ahead of an inauguration where the security situation remains fraught. His nominees sailed through the Senate, displaying competence and adherence to what the people voted for, while the Democrats used their tired lines of attack, already rejected on November 5.
Donald Trump was sentenced in his bookkeeping case yesterday. He pointed out the madness of this act in court, noting that California was burning. We discuss the competency crisis which Trump will fix but which right now is consuming LA.