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Election Battle US: Trump Gains Momentum, Liberals Freak Out

Election Battle US: Trump Gains Momentum, Liberals Freak Out

Posts in today's report:

  • Liberals Freak Out Over Blue Collar Surge to Trump
  • New York Young Republican Group Forms Labor Caucus
  • Minnesota in a Purple Haze After Trump Announces the State Is in Play in 2024
  • Trump to Campaign in the South Bronx
  • Biden and Dems Worried About Trump Victory Among Their Traditional Voters

Liberals Freak Out Over Blue Collar Surge to Trump

The Liberal Patriot, a publication which often warns the Democratic Party that it needs to refocus to defeat Donald Trump, declared in a May 16 article, "The Working Class-Sized Hole in Democratic Support Widens." Citing a recent New York Times poll, author Ruy Teixeira reports that Biden is losing to Trump among working-class voters by 16 points, in the battleground states, compared to just 4 points in 2020. In Michigan, a state considered ground zero for 2024, Biden's "working class deficit" is 24 points, as against 6 points in 2020. Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania show similar shifts.

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