When President Trump takes office in three days, we can, once again, say that America is a nation of science. From Benjamin Franklin on, advancement of science has been at the center of America’s principles and practice. But for too long, especially the last four years, the name of science has been usurped and its meaning replaced by superstition and medieval obscurantism. That is about to change. Now, under the new Trump administration, U.S. culture will once again be centered on the advancement of science, and the organization of government will be focused on the development of the creative powers of the human mind necessary for that goal. From nuclear energy, fusion, space, biotech and other frontier areas, the U.S. will once again assume the role that the great scientist Benjamin Franklin and our founders intended.
In this week’s Promethean Action class, Bruce Director and Tony Papert will discuss the science behind the science. How, the scientific revival that flowered in the 15th century Renaissance gave rise to the formation of the sovereign nation state, planted its seed in North America and blossomed into the United States as the first self-governing constitutional republic. We will explore the connection between the philosophical and scientific works of Nicholas of Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Gauss and Riemann and the incoming Trump administration’s commitment to end globalism and restore the centrality of the sovereign nation-state in mankind’s affairs.
Just as the 15th century Renaissance brought Europe out of the Dark Age, the revival of the U.S. as a nation of science will usher in an unprecedented transformation for all mankind.