Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The "new world order" envisioned by President Trump is a world of strong, sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit. It is a world based on the principles of the American System, a system that has made the United States the most prosperous and powerful nation in history.
It can't be emphasized enough how much things changed with RFK, Jr's announcement last Friday. A race trending toward a narrow Trump win allowing the enemy to rig the result, now presents, potentially, as a unified spiritual force overwhelmingly seizing our country back based on pursuit of the good. Kamala and Biden's wars, however, are heating up, the threat of nuclear extinction quite real as RFK, Jr. emphasized. These are ideological wars, fed by concocted narratives which kill, echoing the ideological chimeras presented now as Democratic programs. Kamala and friends are moving to shutdown opposition to these wars by arresting the head of Telegram, terrorizing Scott Ritter, Tulsi Gabbard, and Dmitri Simes. We won't let them succeed.
Transcript: The Monday Brief - Trump/Vance/RFK, Jr. American System 2.0 Is At The Plate - August 26, 2024
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] Hi, everybody. This is Barbara Boyd. It's Monday, August 26, and this is your Monday Brief. Well, the political battle for control of the United States changed dramatically on Friday with R.F.K. Jr.'s suspension of his campaign in the battleground states and endorsement of Donald Trump in those states.
This week, we'll see the working through and consolidation On the ground of the political forces dedicated to Trump and RFK in those states, he says he has 100, 000 volunteers. If that happens successfully, and the enemy is totally freaked out about this and will throw everything they can at it, it is possible to imagine winning the too big to rig election in November, the essential election for our future.
Basically, the agreement between them is to fight on three [00:01:00] essential fronts for our survival. Ending the forever wars and the control of U. S. foreign policy by Washington's crazed consensus. Ending the censorship industrial complex, which is hell bent on destroying your ability to think, destroying the ability to discuss and act upon profound ideas about man and nature, as the poet Shelley put it.
About the nature of human beings, going after the war on our children, be it in the form of sex trafficking, sex changes, or causes of the epidemic of chronic disease is now breaking out among them as the result of the practices of big agriculture and big pharma. Ending the censorship industrial complex means Directly attacking the most essential part of the propaganda machine, now involved in trying to rig the election.
The part which controls major media, and endlessly grinds out lies about Trump, about the [00:02:00] stupid and compromised Trump opposed and deranged Kamala and, Tampon Tim Ticket, truly the compromised candidates of Barack Obama's kindergarten. That censorship regime is just, if not more important than lining up the laws and ballots to prevent outright fraud.
In interviews over the weekend, R.F.K. Jr. said more prominent Democrats will now be joining Trump based on the hideous nature of the Democratic Party at this point in history. You can truthfully say that the Democrats, not the Republicans, as the propaganda at the Dem Convention specified throughout, are taking us back to a very dark past.
Their past, their dark past, of being founded on the single issue of support for slavery, of their dark past of the revival of the Klu Klux Klan for Woodrow Wilson's White House. That's right, the first incarnation of the so called [00:03:00] expert class we see personified in Barack Obama and his ilk. That's what led the charge in reinvigorating the Klan.
That's why Roseanne Barr's quip on X about how freaked out the Dems are about RFK's Trump endorsement has so much punch. She said, the Democrats have not been this freaked out since Lincoln freed the slaves.
Over the weekend, the two wars, the two big wars on the horizon heated up. Russia struck back against the Ukrainian incursion into Russian territory with a heavy attack on Ukrainian infrastructure.
Experts studying this believe that Putin will now slowly expel the invaders at Kursk while continuing to ramp up victories in the main line of the assault in the Donbass. If you're paying attention, you realize that whoever is running the White House, and Kamala has no choice at this point, but to escalate based on their electoral [00:04:00] aspirations.
Emitting defeat, which to these people is what rationality might mean, It's not an option after their incompetence and hubris has destroyed most of the young people in Ukraine. That's why the newly crowned brat, the self identified mean girl, spent so much time in her speech talking about how she rallied the allies to get this war started.
That's the problem with a certain type of female leader. They believe that leadership means proving you can be more of a genocidalist than your male counterpart. Witness Hillary with murdering and anally raping Gaddafi, and then proudly proclaiming, We came, we saw, he died. That's why this situation is so very dangerous.
The fact that Trump, now joined by the eloquent discussion of this war's causes by RFK Jr. on Friday in his withdrawal speech, has [00:05:00] declared the enemy the neocon and neolib foreign policy blob, which controls U. S. foreign policy on behalf of London. If we succeed in this front, in bringing young people into it, we can completely change the strategic dynamic in the world, which is rapidly descending, under their leadership into all out war.
That's why both Trump and R.F.K. Jr. keep saying we're on the edge of World War III, folks. Take it seriously. No matter what your political persuasion, your very survival is at stake. Kamala and their friends, the so called joyful warriors, will pick war because they can't admit error or give up the military industrial sponsorships which keep them in power.
True to form, the Blob is striking back by trying to shut down every channel of opposition speech to this war in particular. The [00:06:00] founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested by the French over the weekend for insufficiently policing that social media app. In reality, he was arrested by NATO. The French have long ago given up their sovereignty to this one world scheme.
That follows the U. S. raids on Dimitri Symes, the anti war critic, Scott Ritter, and the placing of Tulsi Gabbard on the terrorist watch list. Again, think about the contrast here. Think about where your future should and can be. In Israel, that war continues with no end in sight. Israeli society is increasingly fracturing.
Back when the war began, we warned that it was caused by Biden Harris's trashing of Trump's Abraham Accords and the stoking of religious warfare by the British secret intelligence services, who are the actual controllers of our [00:07:00] renegade CIA. Religious warfare always ends badly. Witness the 30 years war and its awful legacies.
Witness Brzezinski's war against Russia using Islamic cults in Afghanistan, and its result in the death of 3, 000 Americans on September 11th, 2001. Revisionist Zionism is not Judaism, it is not even Zionism. It is a British created cult in the same fashion as the terrorist Hamas is a British intelligence created cult. Both of them created for purposes of destabilization of nation states and endless war.
In Israel, the heads of the intelligence services worry about the very survival at this point of the Jewish state, of its grounding in Judeo Christian humanity, in its grounding in Judeo Christian civilization. It's endangered not just by the [00:08:00] Hamas terrorists, but by the fanatical settlers movement, which has, actually eroded civilized Judaism.
Here's Alistair Crook describing the internal situation. Moshe Lalon, former chief of staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel's defense minister, had this to say in a video interview on the forces taking over in Israel. When you talk about Smotrich and Ben Gavir, they have a rabbi. His name is Dov Lair.
He is the rabbi of the Jewish underground who intended to blow up the Dome of the Rock, and before that, the buses in Jerusalem. Why? In order to hurry up the last war. Do you not hear them talking in terms of the last war, or of Smotrich's concept of subjugation? Read the article he published in Shiloah in 2017.
First of all, this concept rests on Jewish [00:09:00] Supremacy, Mein Kampf in reverse. My hair stands on end when I say that, as I say it. I learned and grew up in the House of Holocaust Survivors, and never again. It is Mein Kampf in reverse, Jewish supremacy, and therefore, Smotrich says, my wife won't go into a room with an Arab.
It is anchored in ideology. And then actually what he aspires to, as soon as possible, is to go to a big war, a war of Gog and Magog. How do you start the flames? A massacre like the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs? Barak Goldstein is a student of the rabbi. Ben Gavir has hung up Goldstein's picture in his house. Goldstein, if you remember, is the assassin of Rabin.
This is what goes into decision making process in the Israeli government now. Rabbi Dov Lair has been described by Netanyahu as the elite [00:10:00] unit that leads Israel because of his influence and control over the settler forces. The 1948 Irgun, drawing heavily on Mizraim, is being reborn?
That's the question, and that's really a question for the world at this point, as these types of ideological Controlled movements, controlled by intelligence services, are there to completely destabilize the world. Witness the segregation which occurs in all of the Democratic Party mobilizations for Kamala. What the hell is that about in the Democratic Party of the Kennedys?
In Detroit over the weekend, and I'm sure Susan Kokinda will get into this on Wednesday, a black minister from inner city Detroit brought down the Republican crowd at the state convention, had them clapping and cheering for this new vision, of bringing this country together again. [00:11:00]
On the financial front, the establishment press is highlighting Commonwealth's housing program as a central vote getting mechanism. It really is no different than Newsom's promise to build new units in California, which never ever materialized, despite millions of dollars being wasted on something which never happened.
A typical election year sop as BlackRock and other Wall Street supporters of Kamala's campaign continue to buy up vacant houses and sell them out at higher and higher rents, giveaways of limited housing stock, which continues to be flooded now with illegals being given free housing. A solution to the housing crisis? Give me a damn break.
We are short an estimated 30 million units of housing based on the fact that this sector never recovered from the 2008 depression. We will be putting out pieces on why Kamala's program [00:12:00] won't work, highlighting the different ideas of Trump and Vance and Kennedy to solve this crisis, and highlighting also our own approaches to the issue.
We will also be exposing in a related expose how Kamala and her brother Tony West, ran an extortion scam in the civil settlements during the housing crisis of 2008, the part of Kamala's resume where she claims to be a warrior on behalf of the people.
What they did is they actually protected the bank fraudsters. Completely, never prosecuting one of them, while putting money in the pockets of chosen Democratic Party and racial justice NGOs through their various settlement schemes with the banks. That's called extortion in my book, and that's what they did. It's no solution. It's just more of the same delusion being peddled by the Democratic [00:13:00] Party.
It can't be emphasized enough the potential we now have and the depth of the depravity on the other side of the equation. In our organizing over the weekend, we saw how people who were at each other's throats last week in various faction fights steered by the enemy are now coming together to organize an overwhelming vote for Trump and Vance and for this country.
I'm sure Susan will address this more thoroughly in her Wednesday update as she was there. They are studying the revolutionary platform put forward by Trump and Vance while the Democrats continue to rail against the figment called Project 25, which has nothing to do with what Trump is actually proposing.
This new movement is going door to door now, and they need your help. You can read RFK's history making speech and appearances. They will embolden you, as they occurred last Friday on our website. Let's get off the couch, study, and go [00:14:00] out and find the ten people each of us are going to be responsible for getting to the polls and voting for Trump and Vance, to take our nation back on November 5th.
It is the best of times against the worst of times, as Dickens said. Let's make it the worst of times for our enemies and the best of times for the patriots of this nation. Thanks very much for listening. Contribute if you can, and help us move this entire battle forward through the next critical days.
If you appreciate the work we're doing to educate and mobilize Americans between now and November 5th,we urgently need your financial support to keep going. Our mission is to inspire you to think critically, understand the true history of our country, and envision the great technological and scientific future that can reverse our economic collapse. This is the essence of the Trump-Vance economic recovery program. Your donation will directly help us expand our efforts to reach more people with this crucial message. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in our fight to secure a better future for America. Please make a one-time donation - together, we can build the organized force necessary to win this battle for our nation.
Chief paralegal in the British/DOJ prosecution of LaRouche. Working to expose the treason against LaRouche and Trump. Lover of history, politics, literature, and Corgis. Married to a wise geometer.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
Trump has begun radical surgery on two cancers which almost killed us, the forever war and regime change apparatus and the free trade regime which has wrecked our economy, drugged our population, and allowed an open border invasion and slave trade.
Trump started firing everyone involved in his potential jailing and assassination this week. He killed the foreign funding for regime change wars. He imposed tariffs to shutdown the Fentanyl killing machine on the three countries most involved, Canada, Mexico, and China.
The Battle for America's Future - Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard Goes Up Against a 'Nest of Liars' in Historic Senate Confirmation Hearings. Will Trump's Pledges to Drain the Swamp Be Realized?