Uncover McKinley's forgotten legacy: champion of tariffs, labor, and American ideals. He challenged British dominance, defended civil rights, and upheld Revolutionary principles.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
The Saturday Wrap-Up - British Led Security State Revs Up Trump Assassination Plot - October 26, 2024
As Trump continues to surge way ahead of the floundering Kamala in all polling, the British have unleashed a sewer full of lies, naming him a fascist Hitler, clearly in the hopes that some unhinged person will take the bait and make another attempt on Trump's life.
As Trump continues to surge way ahead of the floundering Kamala Harris in all polling and bring Republican Congress and Senate candidates along with him, the British have unleashed a sewer full of lies, naming him a fascist Hitler, clearly in the hopes that some unhinged person will take the bait and kill him, or at least serve as the patsy for another state sponsored event. So far, however, this is falling flat and no one appears to be enlisting in the scheme. We cover this, the illegal role of the British government and Labor Party in support of Harris, developments on the Russia/Ukraine battlefront, and the BRICs summit.
Transcript: The Saturday Wrap-Up - British Led Security State Revs Up Trump Assassination Plot - October 26, 2024
Barbara Boyd: [00:00:00] This is Barbara Boyd, and this is your Saturday brief and wrap up for October 26, 2024. It has been quite a week. Here are the leading developments. We were hit throughout the week with a deluge of pure garbage regarding Donald Trump, as the Harris campaign, now, falling completely apart, reacts in desperation.
The main propaganda line unleashed is an old, completely debunked story by Trump's former chief of staff, General John Kelly, claiming that Trump said that Hitler did some good things and that Trump wanted generals like Hitler had. It appeared in The Atlantic. The key flagship propaganda arm of the neoconservative war machine, which [00:01:00] led the mobilization around the failed Iraq war.
Now it's flying the flag of the Democratic Party with financing from its current owner, Steve Jobs, former wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, a Kamala Harris friend and supporter for a long time. And that horrible line which is, as Trump says, stinky and horrible, promptly echoed throughout the controlled corporate media, where multiple intelligence agency assets now function as journalists.
Like General Mark Milley, who is a proponent of a similar line, forwarded to Bob Woodward and other assets of the intelligence community. Trump being a fascist. That's the storyline here. Kelly has become rich for his services to the oligarchy following his firing by [00:02:00] Donald Trump. Part of that money comes from a company, according to Roger Stone, called Caliburn, which holds the major contract for housing unaccompanied migrant children in the United States.
Old bitty and unhinged scold Hillary Clinton chimed in claiming that Donald Trump's planned event at Madison Square Garden on Sunday will be like a Hitler rally, a Nazi rally. Old Joe Biden also wandered into this propaganda landscape and yelled, which is now his only mode of communicating, that we need to lock Donald Trump up.
Admitting, for all practical purposes, the White House source of all of the lawfare against Donald Trump. Then Harris picked up the theme with an emergency press conference on national TV from the vice president's residence as her backdrop. That's a Hatch Act violation, by the way. [00:03:00] Proclaiming Trump unstable, and that he was going to destroy the nation and that he was truly a fascist.
So the Harris campaign losing now in every single battleground state has gone back to that old playbook they used in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump for over 10 years. It hasn't worked. It's falling flat. Now the clear tactic is to try and amplify that line with Hollywood stars, popular media and other figures, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, and other celebrities. And that's really what consists of the Harris campaign, trying to draw huge phantom crowds because entertainers are entertaining them.
The Internet is full of speculation about all of this. How come she can't articulate anything? How [00:04:00] come she doesn't seem to have an available answer for anything other than flipping the page and things will change? How come she only starts her day in the afternoon? Is it cocaine? Alcohol? Something else? We don't know. And there's stories all over the place that the truth is about to drop. I doubt it.
Consistent with this security state operation, the British Propaganda and Censorship Arm, the Center for Countering Disinformation, was exposed as a British Labour Party front. Working in collusion with Democrats in our Congress to destroy Elon Musk because the X platform being open for free speech is severely crippling their vote fraud censorship regime in this election. People are all over X, exposing things, saying things, talking to one another. That's something they never counted on, [00:05:00] a new factor in the thing, which I believe will turn out, if Trump wins and secures the election, to have been the key to his victory.
Musk is now subject to multiple federal investigations from virtually every federal agency. Journalists Matt Taibbi and Paul Thacker were leaked documents fully documenting this. They also exposed that the British Labour Party, through Prime Minister Kurt Starmer's Chief of Staff, Morgan McSweeney, is advising Kamala Harris floundering campaign and sending Labour Party stalwarts here to door knock for Harris in battleground states.
Is that really all they're doing? I think that really does require some further investigation. Taibbi and Thacker's piece carries the subset, Is England, rather than Russia, the key foreign state interfering in our election? That is not clickbait [00:06:00] or provocative lead. It is simply the truth. They are doing that. They've done it throughout the entire time that Donald Trump has been in major politics ever since he came down the escalator in 2015. I have provided a lot more of the details of this in a post on our website titled British Target Donald Trump and Elon Musk as Public Enemies 1 and 2.
Both House Speaker Mike Johnson And even the old fool, the turtle, Mitch McConnell, reacted appropriately, stating emphatically that this propaganda meme was intended to incite further assassination attempts against Trump and should be stopped immediately.
Elsewhere, Israel launched its retaliation against Iran last night here, in the morning of Saturday in Israel. Which appears to be a highly choreographed strike aimed at showing appropriate [00:07:00] revenge while attempting to avoid a wider war. The Biden administration signed off on all of it. It is very unclear if this will work, and they are desperate to hold off any further developments on this front until after the election.
Again, that is hardly a foregone conclusion given the current dynamics in this region, which Is suffering solely because Joe Biden went on a rampage against everything that Donald Trump had accomplished there, including the Abraham Accords, which had put that area of the world for the first time in decades on the edge of peace.
At the IMF World Bank Conference held in Washington this week, the so-called G seven Leaders of the World agreed to use the interest earned from Russian assets illegally seized at the outset of the Ukraine War. To loan an additional $50 billion to Ukraine, only furthering the [00:08:00] destruction of that country in a losing war in which an entire generation has been slaughtered, or displaced.
But that's Britain's policy. Russia is standing in the way of the British utopian dream of conquering Eurasia and its vast mineral and other physical resources, a dream which already resulted in two world wars. In that war itself, Ukraine is losing badly. Trump's promise to end this war and the entire economic infrastructure of imperial forever wars is a significant part of the assassination drive against him, although his economic policies in reintroducing the unique American system of political economy remains the major driver.
In Russia, the BRICS nations met. While many who hate the present oligarchical led financial and military world order for its many crimes and were [00:09:00] hoping that the BRICS would announce a replacement currency for the dollar, potentially crashing the entire Western world and much else. That did not happen.
Tony Pappard covers this in a post, which will go up on our website today. He notes that the BRICS are only discussing alternative monetary systems, according to Putin, and that their present moves to do trade in their own currencies is defensive, again, according to Putin. Since the Biden Harris administration has turned the dollar into a weapon of warfare through sanctions and completely undermining thereby the neutral status which makes it a viable basis for the world's reserve currency.
As Papert elaborates, ever since George Shultz, Paul Volcker, Arthur Burns, and Henry Kissinger convinced Richard Nixon to destroy the Bretton Woods system in 1971, The type of development which could raise the living standards of all sovereign nations on earth [00:10:00] came to an abrupt halt with currency warfare and other ways of prohibiting the development of the so called development world.
Capital intensive manufacturing, the key to development and trade, were abandoned in favor of appropriate technologies and zero population growth in an oligarchical security. Policy, which has worked so far to throw much of the world into demographic and financial collapse. It's also clear in the numerous salutes by the BRICS to the World Economic Forum and Green Technologies that they themselves have not fully conquered the evil axioms of thought in which they have been schooled and which inhibit their own economic thinking.
As we go into the final days of the campaign, Trump is out there campaigning with incredible energy, hitting the battleground states with multiple rallies every single day. [00:11:00] He did Joe Rogan for 3 hours and has a media strategy aimed at those demographics, youth, blacks and Hispanics, which are traditionally Democratic.
People campaigning for him in prominent roles are former Democrats, repulsed by the dissent of the Democratic Party into corporatism. That is the true form of fascism. Not what Trump is actually doing, which is proposing to be a leader of the country through the presidency of the United States, something the actual fascists in the British Empire have attacked relentlessly ever since Franklin Roosevelt.
Now that the Democratic Party is the party of fascism with a democratic face, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, J. D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, R. K. Jr. all of them have joined Trump on the campaign trail , at the Madison Square Garden rally, they will also be, and all in the battlegrounds of these final days.
If you're [00:12:00] thinking about what Trump's cabinet will look like, think about these people and the innovations they will bring to our political landscape. What they stand for. No to forever wars. Yes to the Working Man's Party. Yes to the American system of economics. Yes to an economic revitalization of our country in such a way that a rising tide lifts every single boat.
Tonight, I'll be doing a class on the controlling British role in post World War II American and domestic policy, American foreign policy and domestic policy. The fulfillment of that clause in Cecil Rhodes will, which dictated that the empire had to basically recolonize its former wayward colony. We will follow that in the next two weeks by examining the American system history of Trump's tariff policies with Bob Ingram.
And a class by Will Wertz which will [00:13:00] follow discussing the type of four power agreement which could end the monstrous oligarchical system once and for all. And I'll leave you today with this thought. We are winning, but it's too close for the land side we need to really secure the Republic. We need to win both houses of Congress, to head off what these people have planned in terms of throwing the election as one scenario into the House and into the Senate, even if Trump wins.
Think about the people now leading Trump's campaign and his emphasis on the future, on realizing this nation's best moments as the template of hope, the bastion of liberty once again becomes our national motif, not the policemen of the world waging forever wars, not those seeking to stymie other nations developments. Communicate to others [00:14:00] how close we are to really, really changing things. Take that message to everyone you talk to and urge them to vote. We really are on the edge of a major victory here, and we need to secure it. I'll see you again on Monday.
Chief paralegal in the British/DOJ prosecution of LaRouche. Working to expose the treason against LaRouche and Trump. Lover of history, politics, literature, and Corgis. Married to a wise geometer.
Today's update features developments around the nomination fights, tariffs, drugs, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Mideast from the standpoint of Donald Trump's trampling of the entire globalist architecture.
Trump has begun radical surgery on two cancers which almost killed us, the forever war and regime change apparatus and the free trade regime which has wrecked our economy, drugged our population, and allowed an open border invasion and slave trade.
Trump started firing everyone involved in his potential jailing and assassination this week. He killed the foreign funding for regime change wars. He imposed tariffs to shutdown the Fentanyl killing machine on the three countries most involved, Canada, Mexico, and China.
The Battle for America's Future - Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard Goes Up Against a 'Nest of Liars' in Historic Senate Confirmation Hearings. Will Trump's Pledges to Drain the Swamp Be Realized?